Double Denim

Date: 7th April 2010

Call Time: 11.00pm
MUA: Elahe Shahidi
Model: Sally Mac
Subject: Fashion/ Beauty
Exploring everything from the dreaded double denim trend to red hot-shorts teamed with sheer fabric tops and waistcoats, Model Sally Mac along with MUA Elahe Shahidi collaborated with me on this shoot which showcased the advent of the fashion season- Spring/Summer 2010.
The shoot that was scheduled for 11am started at 12.30pm and by the time hair and Makeup was done, the first shot was made well past 2pm!
Now, knowing my luck, it turned out to be a rainy day.
The five days before that were sunny, as were the five days after.
But one can’t get worked up about these things. So I just got on with it.
My real concern was Sally who was dressed in a short denim dress and a sleeveless denim vest and unbelievably high heels.
Anyone else would’ve frozen in that state of undress but Sally braved the cold and made some fantastic images.
Elahe played the role of my trusty MUA and assistant- holding the reflector up and occasionally catching the light correctly, amid all the texting.
The shoot took place in the Don Gratton Building. Even after 4 shoots I feel that I haven’t explored the potential of the location.
Four different looks, 300 fashion shots and some tomato and lentil soup later we started the beauty shots.
For the makeup, we decided to go with a very natural look with nude tones and bleached eyebrows and powdered down lips.
My shots were soft lit with a golden tone to the skin.
The next shots were lit harshly with the bright and dark areas in high contrast. These shots were inspired by the work of Ellen Von Unwerth’s.
A series of images done by her published in a book called “Snaps” showcases her high contrast black and white images which have almost no tonal value, a lot of energy and movement and almost a slice of life feel of the glitz and glamour of the fashion industry.
All in all, I was rather pleased with the result, as was Sally.
One more down! 🙂

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